The annual arrival of a birthday has the potential for introspection amidst any celebrations that are also on the calendar. I just did my brief look backward into the past year, checked where I Am now and where I plan on being. Two words cover that entire spectrum of Reality of time unfolding…CREATIVELY ALIVE. I believe that one’s commitment to the continuation of creative Self-Expression is the answer to just about everything your human mind can throw at you in the way of, “Yeah, buts and what abouts…” Just think of it this way. A large part of our population experiences depression. Well, if self-expression is on the other side of being de-pressed, then would not the antidote be getting ourselves involved in giving, doing, activating that inert creative energy which is always poised for being moved from the formless into form.
When I stood aside from full time ministry three years ago, it was with human trepidation. I had known what I was doing just about every day of the week, for the past twenty-seven years, and now I had removed myself from this known cycle of my ministerial life…from the predictability, security and familiar. However, I was crystal clear about one thing and that was my deep and enduring desire and intention to continue sharing spiritual solutions to human problems through teaching, speaking, mentoring, counseling, writing and in all the new ways that Universal MInd offered through me. And, the uncertainty of the unknown continues to show up, as do I at different Centers for Spiritual Living and in the wonderfully unpredictable aspects Mind designs through me…day by day in every way. What is predictable is my intention and decision of availability to show up and share…to keep giving and being Self-Expressed! What is unpredictable more times than not, is where that will be on any given Sunday of the month? And, surprise, surprise. The times I Am not booked on a particular Sunday, I joyfully and gratefully open myself to contemplating other avenues of thought and possibility, by asking myself, “And how would you like to experience God as you today, my dear?” And, whether it’s a movie, a dance class, lunch with family or friends, or a quiet day with me…it is always good and very good. For me, faith prevails that on this journey, I may not have the planning for a day all worked out, yet I do have a plan…which is known in consciousness as having the awareness my every answer is always already within myself and through my acknowledgement that this is really so, I summon it to me. It’s the creative process of life and I invite you to its birthing party which takes place every minute of every hour of every day of your life. Step into your ‘Summoning Spirit’ and, “Laissez les bon temps rouler…” as they say in New Orleans, or if you prefer, “Let the good times roll!” The time really is now, the place is here…and the bouncing ball of Life is in your court!
AWARENESS CONTEMPLATION:Place your attention on a question, dilemma, puzzle, situation in which you desire solutions, answers, resolution. Let your human mind objectively scan it, see it, note it and then, bring a different approach to the issue. Contemplate it from the awareness that the answer, solution and puzzle is resolved…here and now. “Where,”” your intellect will insist on asking? “In the unlimited realm of Universal Intelligence in which we all live, move and have our being,” you answer. And, gently and yet insistently affirm and declare, “Even though I may not consciously know the answer to this question, I declare at a deeper level of my Self where I Am one with Universal Mind, all is already known. And, I consciously awaken to that which I now recognize as my mystery…solved. Give thanks this is so and let it be.
AFFIRMATIVE PRAYER:I give thanks for activating the deeper parts of my Divine nature as they apply to revealing solutions and answers I currently seek in my world of my human experience. I give thanks for deepening my spiritual practices of meditation, prayer, silence, ‘lowly listening’ and awakening to that which I now see, hear and know from the level of my God Self. I give thanks for my heightened awareness of oneness with the One Creative Source and that I Am reacquainted with the eminence of Spirit which shows up as all form. I trust, I believe and I accept the action of God taking place throughout my life and all of life for the greater good of one and all. I give thanks this is the way it really is.
* REMINDER: To explore more ideas on this topic, as they personally relate to your life, e-mail me at:
Abundant and loving blessings during this and all seasons!
Dr. Sue