She didn’t always hold the title, Dr. In fact, where she is today is a far cry from the streets of New York where she was born and raised. Sue Rubin loved reading as a child. It seemed to resonate with her somewhat shy nature. Books took her to places her personality had not yet prepared her to go. Her thirst for reading led her to ponder why she wasn’t more strongly drawn to the lessons she was learning at Sunday School at the Temple, her family belonged to.
Sue’s great-uncle was a world renowned expert on Judaism. He authored many books, was a professor at the New York Jewish Seminary and was probably directly responsible for her family’s insistence that Sue attend Sunday School each week. The fact that both families lived in very close proximity to each other had a lot to do with it.
The years passed as did Sunday School and temple, other than on the High Holy Days. Sue graduated New York University, married, settled down to raise three children, but a void existed within her. She longed for a God that made sense to her and one she could feel a close proximity to. However, it wasn’t until many years later when Sue moved to Southern California and ultimately became divorced, that her search seriously began.
She discovered Religious Science and began studying the Science of Mind. There was an immediate resonance, something from deep within that said, “Yes, this is my path.” And, that is exactly the walk Sue has taken since that initial discovery in 1976. She became a Licensed Practitioner of Religious Science and then went on to her first ministry in 1985, where she became the Founding Pastor of the First Church of Religious Science in Edmonton Alberta. Dr. Sue remained in Edmonton ten years; leaving a positive trail of trained ministers and purchasing the church’s own facility.
Her journey then took her to Interim Ministry in Honolulu, and that segued into being installed as Pastor of the Westlake Village Church of Religious Science in 1996. After thirteen years, and a Doctorate honor given by Religious Science International, Dr. Sue left what now is the Center for Spiritual Living and currently serves the Science of Mind/New Thought community at large, by guest speaking, workshops, teaching, mentoring and continuing to “minister” in whatever ways are presented.
Dr. Sue continues to serve the larger organization of what is now International Centers for Spiritual Living serving on teams that are dedicated to taking the Science of Mind to the world stage.
Dr. Sue is also available for: Weddings, Christenings and Memorial Services. CONTACT ME